A bipartisan coalition of 85 Members of the House of Representatives and 16 Senators has called on their respective Appropriations Committees to provide Fiscal Year 2017 funding for the Maritime Security Program (MSP) at its fully authorized Congressional amount.  As contained in Public Law 114-113, MSP is authorized to be funded at $299,997,000 for the upcoming fiscal year.  As stated by the Representatives and Senators, “MSP is a vital component of our military strategic sealift and global response capability.  It is designed to ensure that the United States has the U.S.-flag commercial sealift capability and trained U.S. citizen merchant mariners available in times of war or national emergencies.  MSP also ensures that the U.S. can provide our troops overseas with the supplies and equipment necessary to do their jobs on behalf of our nation.”
Read Online:
House Letter (PDF)
Senate Letter (PDF)