The men and women of the United States Merchant Marine stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, and our members who live and work here.  Between our organizations and our affiliates, we represent the mariners employed on all of the vessels operated by the various Jones Act shipping lines that currently service Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. We are committed to working with our operators, with the Maritime Administration, Departments of Transportation, Homeland Security and Defense, FEMA, and the many, many others who are working right now to bring critical supplies, food, medicine, water and fuel to those in need in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Despite the misinformation that has been spreading like a disease throughout social media and the network news, maritime labor knows – from first-hand experience – the critical role that the Jones Act plays in keeping America safe, ensuring our economic, homeland and national security, and securing good middle class jobs for Americans in every state in the union, as well as our overseas territories like Puerto Rico.  There is too much fake news going around about the Jones Act right now, and it’s critical that those of us who are involved in this trade work to get good information into the hands of the American people. That’s why we are here today.  READ MORE (PDF)