During the conference on H.R. 2642, the
Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 (FARRM Bill), we urge you to insist on the House-passed reauthorization of the Food for Peace Program (Title II ofPL-480). Since 1954, the Food for Peace Program has provided the mechanism for U.S. agricultural products to be shared with those in need throughout the world. Since the commodities are shipped on U.S.-flagged vessels, it has also helped maintain a U.S. flagged fleet on which the Department of Defense can call in emergencies.
The Food for Peace Program has been the largest and most successful international food aid program in the world. It has fed more than 3 billion people in more than 150 countries. Commodities, carried in bags filled with food marked as gifts “From the American People”, and bearing the American flag, have generated goodwill toward the United States from recipients in areas where such goodwill is greatly needed. READ ONLINE (