Carriers and Maritime Unions committed to promoting and protecting the U.S. Maritime Industry
Carriers and Maritime Unions committed to promoting and protecting the U.S. Maritime Industry
Carriers and Maritime Unions committed to promoting and protecting the U.S. Maritime Industry
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[special_heading title=”About USA Maritime” subtitle=”The United States relies on its maritime industry for both military and economic security. For more than 200 years, the US-flagged merchant marine has contributed substantially to U.S. economic vitality and independence, and helped to underpin America’s position as a global power and the world’s biggest aid donor.” margin_bottom=”65″ text_align=”center” color=”dark”]
[icon_box title=”MERCHANT MARINE” text=”Called the “fourth arm of defense” by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1935, the U.S.-flag Merchant Marine ensures that the United States will have the sealift it needs to carry-out its military, humanitarian, and commercial objectives overseas, and ensures the availability of U.S.-controlled, U.S.-crewed maritime assets to keep commerce flowing in times of war and national emergencies.” style=”centered” animation_delay=”300″ icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-ship” text_style=”fullwidth” icon=”fa-desktop”]
[icon_box title=”MARITIME SECURITY PROGRAM” text=”Our Nation’s military readiness and the security of American troops stationed overseas are directly dependent on our commercial sealift capability and the ability of the Department of Defense to respond quickly and effectively to international incidents. Without the requisite number of U.S.-flag vessels and their U.S. citizen crews ready to respond to DOD’s call, DOD’s surge and sustainment operations – its ability to deliver and supply the equipment needed to wage a successful campaign – will be weakened.” style=”centered” animation_delay=”500″ icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-anchor” text_style=”fullwidth” icon=”fa-comments-o”]
[icon_box title=”FOOD AID” text=”Food for Peace is a point of pride for the 44,000 American Farmers, shippers, processors, port workers, and merchant mariners whose jobs depend upon the program. Food for Peace is not just a handout. It’s the sharing of American bounty and American know-how to help rescue those less fortunate from starvation and chronic food insecurity.” style=”centered” animation_delay=”700″ icon_fontawesome=”far fa-handshake” text_style=”fullwidth” icon=”fa-life-ring”]
[special_heading title=”USA Maritime Members” subtitle=”USA Maritime is a coalition of carriers and maritime unions committed to promoting and protecting the U.S. Maritime Industry. The Coalition and its members work together to educate policy makers, the media and the public about issues impacting the U.S. flag merchant marine and maritime industry.” margin_bottom=”0″ color=”dark”][logos_carousel]